Fleet Commanders

Fleet Commanders’ Council

The Fleet Commanders’ Council is the legislative body of the Colonial Ministry of Defense. The collective group is charged with establishing and maintaining the bylaws and policies governing the Ministry. The members of the Council are made up of the Fleet Commanders of each fleet. Each Fleet Commander is elected by their representative fleets to serve for 2 years on the Council. Every six months, one quarter of the council is up for election. There are no term limits on the number of terms a member may serve. The represented colony fleets are:

  1. Aerilon Fleet, Fleet Commander Admiral Wade Larkin
  2. Aquaria Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Antonio Gonzalez, Jr.
  3. Canceron Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Tom Nadratowski
  4. Caprica Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Pete Pefley
  5. Gemenon Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Chris Boggs
  6. Leonis Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Mike Calhoun
  7. Libris Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral William Sullivan
  8. Picon Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral John Brice
  9. Sagittaron Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Rob Marshall
  10. Scorpia Fleet, Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Mark Morgan
  11. Tauron Fleet, Fleet Commander Rear Admiral James Elson
  12. Virgon Fleet, Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Shannon McVey